Back from Hibernation
GANGTOK: Guess who’s back… back again? Nico’s back, tell a friend… la la.. dum de dum…
Okay, that was a lame attempt at making a grand (re)entry. I know neither the Madman or I have been regular lately when it comes to updating this blog. And we have perfectly valid reasons as to why.
About a month back, being a madman that he is, Zoe climbed into a time machine and went back to the dark ages… you know the era when there were no telephones, no computers or internet connection. And for some profound reasons known only to him, he refuses to come back. Maybe he likes it there. May be he hates me for hogging a good portion of his blog space here ;) May be he hates people who read but don’t post a comment or two. It could be anything… really!
As for me, you can call it sheer laziness. On second thoughts, if you promise not to tell anybody, I’ll let you in a secret – I’m doing a self-funded research on the spiritual benefits of indolence, which obviously is aimed at exposing the myth that sloth is one of the seven mortal sins. I’m out to disprove that and that explains the long silence.
Allow me to give you a few pointers:
Laziness is extremely beneficial for your spiritual growth. See, what happens is, when you renounce worldly labour, you get more time to meditate... and you can meditate over just about anything.
Meditation, in turn, accelerates your chances of earning spiritual brownie points. For instance, you can contemplate on whether or not you should drink that last can of coke sitting on the refrigerator shelf on a frigging hot summer day. After mulling over it for half an hour, you realise you already knew the answer even before you asked the question. So you lazily stroll towards the fridge and do the needful. Though your roomie might not appreciate it, at least initially, you will be happy in the knowledge that you helped him/her stick to her diet plan by eliminating wicked temptation.
And in reward, not only do you get to drink a can of coke, you also earn good karma. For extra good karma points, try emptying the entire fridge. Yes, your roomie will hate you for it; he/ she may even either throw you out or move out themselves, but then great people are never appreciated… not until they’re dead. And if you endorse laziness, sit around doing nothing, eating and drinking junk, you’re already on your way to being dead. Shortcut to sainthood via Laze Ville, what say you!
Oh, by the way, I kinda miss the way you used to follow up whatever I posted, my dear Madman. So bring on the good ol’ times back!
- NICO -
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